How to Create Fresh Content from Old Material?

Alex Curran
By Alex Curran
6 Min Read

One of the best things about being a writer is having the ability to create fresh content based on past experiences. If you have an old blog post that you’d like to revise, update or even repurpose for another audience, this is a great way to get new content out there quickly and easily. As long as your writing has been solid in the past, it should still hold up today as well! Here are some tips on how I might go about bringing an old post into today’s world:

Tip #1 Revise an Old Post

If you want to repurpose an old post, make sure that you’re using the same format and structure. This is important because it gives your audience a familiar feeling when they read it again. It also helps them find what they need quickly without having to search through a lot of text or images.

When revising an older post, use similar keywords as before because those are what will bring people back from the last time they saw your content (i.e., if someone searched for “how-to build a website” and came across one of your old posts about building sites in WordPress). Make sure to include relevant images that are similar in style and quality as before so readers can easily identify them with each other when comparing versions of the same topic across different dates or years. Use calls-to-action at the end so that people know what action steps should be taken next!

Tip #2 Look Through Your Product Reviews

You may have noticed a common theme when you look at your product reviews. There are many different types of customer reviews, but they can all be broken down into two basic categories: positive and negative.

It’s important to note that these two types of customer reviews aren’t always mutually exclusive either; many customers will leave both positive and negative feedback about the same product or experience.

This is where you can find some great ideas for content creation!

Tip #3 Check the Competition

Next, check your competitors. Look at what they are doing, see what is trending and see if you can fill any gaps in their content. Check for inspiration on how to improve your content as well.

If you have a blog, make sure to update it regularly with new posts. This will increase the chances of getting found by search engines and also help keep your readers engaged. Make sure that each post is high quality, well-researched and has a clear call to action.

Tip #4 See What Experts Have to Say

Another way of finding content ideas is by looking at what experts have to say. This may feel like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do this. They’re so focused on their own business that they forget there are other people out there who know even more than they do about their niche.

Another great way to find content ideas is by looking at what other people are saying about your industry and your competitors’ businesses specifically in social media posts and search engines results pages (SERPs).

Tip #5 Look for Feedback from Your Customers

Get feedback from your customers. This can be as simple as asking them for their thoughts on the content you’ve created, or it can involve more in-depth research and analysis. The end result is always a better understanding of what people want when it comes to your business and its offerings—and that’s essential information for creating fresh content from old material.

If you’re looking to re-purpose customer feedback into new content, find something that struck a chord with readers and use some data analysis tools (like Google Analytics) to help track repeat visits over time. This can paraphrase sentences and paragraphs quickly. For example, if people are viewing an infographic on why monkeys love bananas so much but aren’t adding anything else to their cart—this could indicate a problem in how banana flavor profiles are described on product pages; perhaps they need descriptions like “slightly sweet but still tart enough that it won’t overwhelm other flavors.”

Tip #6 Use Visuals to Tell a Story

Visuals can help you tell a story. They help you get your point across, connect with your audience and build trust in them. They also help engage people with the content they are reading.

Visuals make up over 60% of online traffic, so it’s no wonder we’re seeing more and more businesses making use of graphics to increase their reach across social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In fact, Facebook recently announced that they were making changes to boost the effectiveness of visual posts by 20-30%!


With these tips, you should be able to create fresh content from old material in no time. You can keep the same format but make it more interesting by adding graphics, videos and other visual elements that will grab your audience’s attention.

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